FAS User's Manual Table of Contents

[Click for Alphabetical List]

Numerical List:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Click an item below to display details to the right.

Subaccount Information

Revenue Subaccounts:
0100-0199 Tuition
0200-0299 Fees
0300-0399 Indirect cost recovery
0400-0499 Private gifts
0500-0579 Endowment, investment, other  income
0580-0599 Nonmandatory transfers
0670-0679 Gains/losses
0800-0899 Sales & services

 To Top
Expenditure Subaccounts:
0990 Budget pool for entire account
0991-0998 Cost Of Goods Sold
0999 Budget pool for personnel costs

1000-1999 Personnel Costs 
1000 Faculty wages
1100 Academic personnel (other), wages
1200 Professional wages
1300 Supervisory/managerial/administrative personnel wages
1400 Technical personnel wages
1500 Service/trades personnel wages
1600 Clerical nonunion wages
1700 Clerical union wages
1800-1899 Research & teaching assistant wages
1900 Budget pool for fringe benefits
1900-1909 Fringe benefits

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2000 Budget pool for non-personnel costs
2000-4999 Services
2001 Budget pool for services
2100 Audio-visual services
2200 Animal care services
2300 Central Shop charges--PSD
2400-2600 Computing services
2700 Consultants & professional fees
2800 Departmental service units charges
2900 Duplicating/printing services
To Top
3000 Business meals, social activities
3100 Human subjects/volunteer expense
3200 Insurance costs
3300 Maintenance/repair costs
3400 Patient care--inpatient routine
3500 Patient care--inpatient ancillary
3600 Patient care--outpatient
3700-3779 Physical plant department services
3780-3789 OFP & M--fixed services
3790-3799 OFP & M--utility expenses
3800 Postage/mailing/shipping services
3900 Professional development services
To Top
4000 Publication costs
4100 Radiation protection services
4200 Telephone/telegraph/telex services
4300 Temporary agency help
4400 Transportation/livery services
4600 Staff benefit expenses
4900 All other services
To Top
5000 Budget pool for supplies
5100-5999 Supplies 
5100 Animal purchase/supplies
5200 Food supplies
5300 Hospital/clinical supplies
5400 Laboratory supplies
5500 Office & educational supplies
5600 Shop supplies
5800 Computer software
5900 All other supplies
To Top
6000 Budget pool for equipment
6100-6999 Equipment 
6100 Scientific & technical equipment
6200 Fabricated equipment
6300 Computing equipment
6400 Office & educational equipment
6500 Furniture & fixtures
6600 Shop machinery & tools
6700 Vehicles
6800 Contract deliveries
6900 All other equipment
To Top
7000 Budget pool for travel
7100-7599 Travel expenses 
7100-7200 Domestic travel
7300-7400 Foreign travel
7500 Relocation travel expense
7600 Budget pool for other general costs
7600-8599 Other general costs
7800-8199 Leases/Rental
7800-7900 Equipment lease/rental
  To Top
8000 Space lease/rental
8100 All other lease/rental
8300 Budget pool for training expenses
8300-8399 Training expenses/student aid
8301 Reward funds, financial aid
8302 Financial aid--restricted support
8303 LOA/attrition/PF, financial aid
8310 Tuition aid--college & graduate students
8318 Tuition aid adjustments--research assistants
8319 Tuition aid--research assistants
8320 Stipend aid--graduate students
8330 Stipend aid--grad. student dependents
8340 Student prizes
8350 Institutional/supply allowance--graduate students
8360 Fee aid--college & graduate students
8370 Stipend aid--postdoctoral fellowships
8380 Fee aid--postdoctoral fellowships
8500-8598 Library acquisitions
8599 Art acquisitions
8600 Subcontracts 
8700-8800 Construction/property acquisition
8750 Purchase of land & buildings
8800 Space renovation/alteration
8905-8985 Occupancy & Maintenance
8905 Utilities, new construction
8910 Electricity expense
8920 Water expense
8930 Steam expense
8940 Fuel expense
8950 Oil expense
8960 Sewer expense
8970 Gas expense
8980 Property taxes
8985 Property taxes, refunded
To Top
9000-9099Interest expense 
9100 Indirect Costs 
9102 Argonne Nat'l Lab, indirect costs
9103-9107 Subcontracts--indirect costs
9108 Chapin Hall, indirect costs
9112 Adjustments, indirect costs
9120 Animal Rsrce Cntr, indirect costs
9121 Animal Rsrce Cntr adjustments, indirect costs
9122-9152 Argonne indirect costs, 2-6 yr
9150-9151 General administratiave overhead expenses
9170-9179 Intradivisional overhead expenses
9200-9279 Contingency/unallocated funds
9285-9298 Savings projections
9285 Federal non-faculty savings
9286 Nonfederal non-faculty savings
9287 Endowment non-faculty savings
9295 Federal faculty savings
9296 Nonfederal faculty savings
9297 Endowment faculty savings
9298 Leaves of absence
9300-9799 Transfers
9300 Mandatory transfers
9400-9499 Nonmandatory transfers
9500-9599 REO debit nonmandatory transfers
9600-9799 Lump sum transfer of expenses
9800-9899 Credit subaccounts
9900 Budget pool for unallowable costs
9901-9911, 9920-9921 Unallowable costs
9901 Advertising, selling, & marketing (unallowable costs)
9902 Personal use of automobile (unallowable costs)
9903 Fines & penalties (unallowable costs)
9904 Housing & personal living expenses (unallowable costs)
9905 Institutional donations & contributions (unallowable costs)
9906 Memberships & related costs (unallowable costs)
9907 Non-cash gifts (unallowable costs)
9908 Pension (unallowable cost)
9909 Trustee expenses (unallowable costs)
9910-9911 Procurement Card (unallowable costs)
9920 Faculty retirement bonus
9921 Financial planning reimbursement
9950 SAA adjustments
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