Account Attributes
Monthly Processing Code
Field Name: MONTHLY PROCESS Inquiry Screen #: 05
Common Abbreviation: MOPRO
Dictionary Reference Number: FS039
Field Length: 1 alphanumeric character
Required Accounts: Optional in Ledger 2
Definition: The monthly processing code identifies an account that is budgeting anticipated revenues and expenditures on a monthly basis. 

Form 22, Original Budget/Budget Revision for Monthly Budgeting, is used to enter budgets into accounts performing monthly budgeting. The form allows the user to perform one of the following procedures: budget a fixed amount each month; budget a percentage of the total annual budget each month, budget a proportion based on the number of days each month, or budget 1/12th of the total annual budget each month. Automatic budget reallocation is not available to accounts performing monthly budgeting. 

Monthly budgets do not appear on AM090 and AM091 reports. Separate reports are generated to compare monthly budgets with actual revenues and expenses.

Modification: Online.  WARNING: Can only be changed at the beginning of the fiscal year prior to entering monthly or annual budgets.
Responsibility: Manager of Current Unrestricted Funds
Data Verification Procedure: Maintained by account administrator
Monthly budgeting
Annual Budgeting
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