Account Attributes
Location Code
Field Name: LOCATION CODE Inquiry Screen #: 06
Common Abbreviation: Locode
Dictionary Reference Number: FS451
Field Length: 1 alphanumeric character
Required Accounts: 5-XXXXX, 6-34000/6-35999, 6-94000/6-95999
Definition: The location code indicates whether the sponsored project takes place on-campus or off-campus.  This information is important to the annual Indirect Cost Calculation.
Modification: Online
Responsibility: Research Administration is responsible for providing the code when it submits a Form 70 to set up the account in FAS. 

The Restricted Funds Post Award Administration staff is responsible for entering this data in FAS when they set up an account and for making certain that Research Administration provides the information with each Form 70. 

The Restricted Funds Indirect Cost staff is responsible for the periodic review of the attribute and for its use in the Indirect Cost Calculation.

Data Verification Procedures: Reviewed and corrected by the Indirect Cost staff.
C The on-campus location code is used when the program is conducted in University-owned buildings for which rent is not normally charged.
O The off-campus location code is used when the program is conducted in buildings not owned by the University and/or for which rent is normally charged.
  Non Grant/Contract Account
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