Account Attributes
Capital Fund Purpose Code
Field Name: CAPITAL FUND PURPOSE Inquiry Screen #: 04, 07
Common Abbreviation: CFP
Dictionary Reference Number:

FG539, FS247

FG538, FS246

Field Length: 3 alphanumeric characters; see "Values" below.
Required Accounts: 0-4XXXX, 0-6XXXX, 0-5XXXX, 0-7XXXX, 7-XXXXX
Definition: This attribute indicates the purpose designated by the donor or the Board of Trustees for the use of the principal or income from the funds.
Modification: Online
Responsibility: Manager, Capital Funds.
Data Verification Procedures: Review in Capital Funds.

The first position is alpha followed by a 2-digit numeric field. XD is entered when the purpose crosses departments or divisions. OS is entered when part of the remainder interest in a Life Income Fund will go to an outside entitiy.

Leave blank if neither XD or OS apply.

A__ Unrestricted funds given by donor without restrictions
B__ Instruction and Research:  Income restricted to a division of the University for instruction and research
C__ Library Support:  Income restricted by donor for the acquisition, restoration, and preservation of books, periodicals, and other materials and activities within a library
D__ Building, Grounds:  Income restricted to the support of the on-going operation of the physical plant, including its building and grounds, other facilities, and equipment
E__ Student Aid:  Income restricted for financial aid to students
F__ Prizes and Awards: Income restricted for prizes and awards
I__ Income added to loan funds
L__ Lectures
O__ Other
N__ Purpose to be designated at future time by donor
P__ Professorships
S__ Faculty/Staff Loans:  Income to be used to provide loans to faculty and staff
V__ Visiting Professorships
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