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Selecting One-Line or Two-Line Format for the Transaction List
Screen 24You have the option of displaying a simple list (one line of data per transaction) or a detailed list (two lines of data per transaction). The default is 2 (two lines per transaction). The two-line format is more like the information you see on your AM091 reports. Examples of both the one-line format and the two-line format are shown below. 

To select a two-line format, type 2; to select a one-line format, type 1. If you space over this field and forget to type a 1 or a 2, the system will assume you didn't want the two-line default format and you will see only the one-line format. If you type a number other than 1 or 2, you will see an error message at the bottom of the page. You will be prompted to enter a 1 or 2 by the system. Remember, the default is a two-line format.

One-Line Example 

Transaction List -- 1-line formatTo the right is an example of the one-line format for the transaction listing.

Two-Line Example 

Transaction Listing -- 2-line formatHere is an example of the two-line format. The first line of column headings and the first line of transaction data display in red; the second line of the column headings and the second line of transaction data display in turquoise.

FAS System Guide
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