FAS Gargoyle
FAS System Guide
Table of Contents

Password Information

This page covers the following password topics: 

General Information
Password Requirements
How to Reset Your Password
How to Change Your Password

General Information 

Do not share your password with anyone. You are responsible for everything that happens under your user ID and password. 

Your password will expire in 180 days (six months). 

Password info -- last logon dateThe screen to the right appears after you have entered your user ID and password on the NSIT logon screen. The message tells you when you last accessed the system. If your account was accessed on a day or at a time when you could not have logged on, it's possible that your ID and password have been compromised. Contact your project administrator or NSIT (ext. 2-7620). 

Password Requirements  

The system remembers your last four passwords and will not let you re-use them. The requirements for a valid password are: 
  • The password must be seven or eight characters long. 
  • The first character must be alpha, and the password must contain at least one numeric character. 
  • The password may NOT contain special characters such as %, #, &, and so forth. 
Security experts list the following additional recommendations: 
  • Do not use a word from an English or foreign language dictionary. 
  • Do not use the name and birth date of a relative or close friend. 
  • The easier it is for you to remember your password, the easier it will be for someone to break into your account. 
  • If you use the same password on all systems, then all systems will be comprised if someone learns your password. 

How to Reset Your Password  

After three failed logon attempts, you are locked out of the system. To reset your password, you must go to Room 395 at 1155 E. 60th Street. You must know your person ID (the last four characters of your user ID) and you must bring identification. You will be given a temporary password. You will not be able to access FAS or APS-PO until you have changed your password to one which only you know. 

How to Change Your Password 

NSIT logon screen, first step of changing your passwordThe screen at right is the NSIT logon screen with the Userid and Password fields highlighted. To change your password, type your current password at the Password: prompt and a new password at the New Password: prompt before you press the Enter key. After you have typed all three fields, press Enter and follow the prompts on your screen.

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