Financial Information Services Financial Information and Services


The University of Chicago

Office of the Comptroller

Form Name:
Traveler Expense Short Form
Form Number:
Form PF3.381.3-1198
Provides a brief (but not all-inclusive) summary of allowable University of Chicago travel expenses for the occasional traveler (an individual who travels for a few days, now and then) students and visitors. This document also provides additional space for recording daily expenses.
It is recommended that all travelers, including visitors take the Traveler Expense Short Form and the Travel Expense Envelope (Form PF3.381.31-1198) with them to accumulate receipts and record daily expenses.
  • If you need more space than what is provided on the Travel Expense Envelope, use the short form to record any additional expenses. (Make sure to combine the total expenses from this form with those recorded on the envelope.)
  • Prior to taking a trip, travelers should consult the unit that is providing funding to see if the unit has requirements that are more restrictive than University policy.  Individual units of The University may establish procedures that reduce allowable expenses to a level below that stated in University policy.
  • The travel expense envelope and short form do not replace either Financial Policy 1202 on Travel or the requirement to fill out a Travel Expense Voucher.
Submit Form To:
Financial Services’ Payment Services, 6054 S Drexel, Ste 400. 
If you need further assistance, contact us at 2-5372 or via email at Payment Support.
Where to Obtain Form: CorporOffice Max, A Boise Company